Today, Developer DONTNOD Entertainment revealed details about their highly anticipated game, Life is Strange 2. Although a sequel of sorts to the original, this time the storyline will follow a set of brothers on the run after a tragedy forces them far from home.
As the two make their way to the town of Puerto Lobos in Mexico (where their family originates) they will face the challenges and dangers of a young twosome traveling afoot, on their own. To add to the drama of the situation, 17 year old Sean will not only have to take care of his younger brother, Daniel, who appears to have a supernatural power he may not even realize he has, but live with the consequences of his every decision.
View the captivating reveal trailer posted today on the developer’s YouTube channel. If you have the time, a 20-minute gameplay video has been released as well which does a great job of setting up the story. (Warning: Mature language/content)
The first episode of Life is Strange 2 will be out on September 27th. The full 5-episode season can be pre-ordered, digitally, on the PlayStation & Microsoft stores and on Steam.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, a short, free downloadable experience which introduces fans to the world of LIS2, is available digitally as well at the aforementioned locations.
Source: DONTNOD Entertainment