Natsume, publisher of well-known series such as Harvest Moon and Reel Fishing, has decided to throw its hat into the arena of indie game publishing in the hopes of bringing the inventive work of smaller development companies to a larger audience.
Although the company is keeping hush, hush on details about the new initiative for now, Natsume has announced the inaugural game for their new program will be Cosmic Defenders.
The title is being developed by the one-man team at Fiery Squirrel. It’s described as a “2D fast-paced revolving shooter about a group of unconventional heroes using the power of nature to stop chaotic aliens from taking over the universe.”
Here’s a look at the game’s logo, which was created with the help of graphic designer, Gabriel Balda.
Cosmic Defenders is planned for a release on the Nintendo Switch.
You can read more about this and other titles from Fiery Squirrel on the developer’s official website.
Sources: Natsume, Fiery Squirrel