Stock up on raid passes, (virtually) gather your friends, and get ready for action because it’s time for a return of Terrakion, Cobalion, & Virizion to Tier 5 raids, starting Monday, November 16th!

- Fighting/Rock Type
- Introduced in Generation V
- Useful ally in Raids & Rocket Stop battles as a Rock Type attacker
- 2nd Best Rock attacker in the game
- Comparable to Smack Down/Stone Edge Tyranitar
- Weak to: Fairy, Fighting, Grass, Ground, Psychic, Steel, Water
Best Moveset: Smack Down/ Rock Slide
Hardest Move to Beat:
Close Combat (most of the time)
Rock Slide (partly cloudy weather)
Perfect IV’s:
100% IV: 2113 CP
100% WB IV: 2641 CP
Terrakion is boosted in Cloudy & Partly Cloudy weather.
Any/All weather:
#1: Mewtwo or Shadow Mewtwo w/Psystrike
#2: Mewtwo or Shadow Mewtwo w/Psychic
Sunny weather:
Metagross: Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash
Torterra: Razor Leaf/Frenzy Plant
Sceptile: Bullet Seed/Frenzy Plant
Roserade: Razor Leaf/Grass Knot
Mega Venusaur w/ Frenzy Plant
Rainy weather:
Kyogre: Waterfall/Hydro Pump
Kingler: Bubble/Crabhammer
Gyarados: Waterfall/Hydro Pump
Shadow Swampert w/Hydro Cannon
Partly Cloudy weather:
Metagross: Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash
Alakazam: Confusion/Psychic
Espeon: Confusion/Psychic
Shadow Exeggutor: Confusion/Solar Beam
Cloudy weather:
Machamp: Counter/Dynamic Punch
Hariyama: Counter/Dynamic Punch
Metagross: Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash
Gardevoir: Charm/Dazzling Gleam
# of Trainers Needed:
A Duo is possible with Trainers who have Best Friend status, are using the appropriate counters (specific to the currently boosted weather type), and have a team of fighters powered up to 8,000 Stardust each.
If you’re using weather specific counters that are at the 5,000 Stardust level, 3-4 Trainers will be required.

- Part of the “Swords of Justice” (Cobalion, Terrakion, Verizion, Keldeo)
- Introduced in Pokémon Black & Pokémon White games
- Unova Region, Generation V monster
- Weak to Fighting, Fire, & Ground types
- Comparable to Aggron
Best Moveset: Metal Claw/Iron Head
Hardest Move to Beat: Stone Edge
Mega Charizard w/ Blast Burn
Mega Houndoom: Fire Fang/Flamethrower
Reshiram: Fire Fang/Overheat
Machamp: Counter/Dynamic Punch
Breloom: Counter/Dynamic Punch
Hariyama: Counter/Dynamic Punch
Counter/Blast Burn
Counter/Blaze Kick
Moltres: Fire Spin/Overheat
Heatran: Fire Spin/Fire Blast
# of Trainers Needed for a Defeat
Counters powered up to 8,000 Stardust: 3
Counters powered up to 5,000 Stardust: 4-5
Perfect IV’s
100% IV: 1727CP
100% WB IV: 2159CP
Cobalion is boosted in Snowy & Cloudy weather.

- Introduced in Generation V
- Dual Type Grass/Fighting
- Easy to defeat
- Can Duo w/ high level flying counters
- Weak to: Flying, Psychic, Fire, Ice, Poison
Mega Pidgeot w/ Brave Bird
Mega Charizard w/Blast Burn
Moltres w/ Sky Attack
Honchkrow: Peck/Sky Attack
Rayquaza: Air Slash/Aerial Ace
Unfezant (Pidove evolution ): Air Slash/Sky Attack
Lugia: Extrasensory/Sky Attack
It only costs 10k stardust and 25 Candy to get a 2nd Charge Move for Unfezant, so if you’re short on Charge TM’s then just unlock the 2nd Charge Move to get the one you need.
Although Virizion’s Stone Edge move will hurt flying types, the flying type counters listed above are still some of your best options for the fight.
# of Trainers Needed: 2-4
A Duo is possible and is actually quite easy if Virizion possesses Leaf Blade. It will still be possible, but much harder & require a lot more resources if the monster fights with Close Combat or Stone Edge.
If you’re level 40 and have the previously listed counters maxed out to 8,000 Stardust each, then here’s a breakdown of how it will most likely work.
Leaf Blade – Duo using one team of 5-6 monsters each.
Stone Edge – Duo using 15 Pokémon each.
Close Combat – Duo using 11 Pokémon each.
If you’re a level 30 or above trainer and the Virizion possesses Leaf Blade, you should also be able to duo him if you each have maxed out Moltres and/or Honchkrows.
If you don’t wish to use this many resources (or don’t have maxed out counters), then you can comfortably defeat Virizion with 3-4 Trainers.
Perfect IV’s:
100% IV: 1770CP
100% WB IV: 2159CP
Virizion is boosted in Sunny & Cloudy weather.
Best Moveset: Quick Attack/Leaf Blade
Hardest Move to beat: Stone Edge
All 3 monsters will be available from 4pm EST on November 16th through 4pm EST on November 24th.
Don’t have a lot of time to raid this week? Make sure to participate in the raid hour on Wednesday, 11/18, from 6-7pm when all 3 raid bosses will be more widely available at gyms.
Planning to raid in Wilkes County? Connect here for a list of our most easily accessible gyms.
Good luck on your shiny hunt!
Sources: Niantic, zeekthehedgie/ Deviant Art (verizion pic), (shiny pic)