Niantic has announced that the “Hero of Many Battles” form of Zacian & Zamazenta will be appearing in Tier 5 raids, for 6 days each, starting this Friday, August 20th.
For anyone interested in adding them to the collection, here’s a few details about each as well as counters for a swift defeat.

Appearing in T5 Raids:
August 20th (10am) – August 26th (10am)
Special Raid Hour:
August 25th (Wed) – 6-7pm
– Part of the Hero Duo (w/Zamazenta)
– Original form of Zacian
– Legendary Pokémon
– Generation VIII
– Fairy type
– Weak to Poison & Steel types
Possible Moves:
Fast Attacks:
Fire Fang, Quick Attack, Snarl, Metal Claw
Charge Attacks:
Iron Head, Play Rough, Wild Charge, Close Combat
Best Moveset: Snarl/Play Rough
Perfect IV’s
100% IV: 2188CP
100% WB IV: 2735CP
Zacian is boosted in Cloudy Weather.
Mega Beedrill (Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb)
Mega Pidgeot (Steel Wing/Brave Bird)
Mega Gengar (Lick/Sludge Bomb)
Gengar (Lick/Sludge Bomb)
Shadow Mewtwo (Psycho Cut/Psystrike)
Shadow Metagross (Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash)
Metagross (Bullet Punch/Meteor Mash)
Dialga (Metal Claw/Iron Head)
Roserade (Poison Jab/Sludge Bomb)
Mega Venusaur (Vine Whip/Sludge Bomb)
Venusaur (Vine Whip/Sludge Bomb)
Shadow Dragonite (Steel Wing/Hurricane)
Dragonite (Steel Wing/Hurricane)
# of Trainers Needed:
If each trainer in the group is level 40-50 & using maxed out counters, then 3-4 players should be enough.
If your team is a little less experienced and/or doesn’t have maxed out counters, 5-6 players will be required.
Appearing in T5 Raids:
August 26th (10am) – September 1st (10am)
Special Raid Hour:
August 30th (Mon) – 6-7pm
– Part of the Hero Duo (w/Zacian)
– Original form of Zamazenta
– Legendary Pokémon
– Generation VIII
– Fighting type
– Weak to Flying, Psychic, & Fairy types
Possible Moves:
Iron Head, Crunch, Moonblast, Close Combat
Best Moveset: TBD
Perfect IV’s
100% IV: 2188CP
100% WB IV: 2735CP
Zamazenta is boosted in Cloudy Weather.
Mega Gengar (Lick/Psychic)
Mega Pidgeot (Gust/Brave Bird)
Mega Charizard Y (Air Slash/Blast Burn)
Mewtwo (Confusion/Psystrike)
Shadow Mewtwo (Psycho Cut/Psystrike)
Gardevoir (Confusion/Psychic)
Shadow Gardevoir (Confusion/Psychic)
Espeon (Confusion/Psychic)
Sylveon (Charm/Dazzling Gleam)
Moltres (Wing Attack/Sky Attack)
Shadow Moltres (Wing Attack/Sky Attack)
Rayquaza (Air Slash/Hurricane)
Lugia (Extrasensory/Aeroblast)
# of Trainers Needed:
If each trainer in the group is level 40-50 & using maxed out counters, then 3-4 players should be enough.
If your team is a little less experienced and/or doesn’t have maxed out counters, 5-6 players will be required.
Good luck!
Sources: Niantic,