In January, Capcom announced that new DLC monsters were being planned for Monster Hunter: World. On Monday, the company teased that the first of these monsters would be coming soon. However, today, it was revealed that there’s much more than just a Deviljho on the way to the game.
In fact, Capcom has a major update, full of exciting changes and activities, coming to hunters in the next few weeks. And, it’s all being added for free.
Here’s a look at what’s coming and when.
The infamous bad boy is on his way to MHW on March 22nd.
Take him down and earn materials for crafting 2 new armor sets (Vangis a & b) and weapons with a Deviljho inspired design.
Spring Blossom Fest
Start Date: April 6th
End Date: April 19th
The Spring Blossom Fest will be the 1st seasonal event for hunters in the game. The celebration will include daily activities and a new food platter. Hunters will also be able to enjoy special aesthetics such as a decorated Gathering Hub and new uniforms being worn by Hub employees. (More details to come).
Mega Man
Capcom announced in January that Mega Man Palico gear would be coming to the game as a part of the Blue Bomber’s 30th anniversary festivities. Players will be able to earn this armor by completing a special Spring Blossom Fest Event Quest, April 13th through April 26th.
New Weapon
Capcom ran a Weapon Design Contest last year asking fans to create a unique weapon to be added to the MHW game. Starting April 6th, the winning design called the “Wyvern Ignition Great Sword” will be available for players to craft with materials earned from completing a special Event Quest tied to the Spring Blossom Fest.
Tweaks, Adjustments & Bug Fixes
Weapon Balance
Most of the 14 weapons are being fine-tuned by the development team to give players a smoother hunting experience.
Character Edit Voucher
On March 16th, players will receive a free, one-time use only voucher which will allow them to make edits to their main character. Capcom warns to use this freebie wisely because there will be a charge for any changes made after the voucher has been used.
Improvements to Gameplay
With the update on March 22nd, changes will happen to the following areas:
– Players will no longer be hit by fellow players’ attacks when carving
– A text size setting for subtitles will be added
– Addition of a “Return to Gathering Hub” option for single player
– Addition of a “Disband & Return to Gathering Hub” option for multiplayer
Source: Capcom